Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1997/05/07

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Subject: LHSA, Collecting, etc -Reply
From: Dave Stedman <>
Date: Wed, 07 May 1997 05:53:30 -0700

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I purchased my first Leica (a M-3) in 1957.  I agonized for months
before choosing the M-3 over a IIIF.  I still own that camera, use it
regularly, now 40 years later (it's in near perfect condition) it has
become very collectible.  In my Leica collection,  among others, I
have a couple of IIIF's, and I couldn't agree more, "lovely to look
at, but a little awkward to use.  I wouldn't trade my M-3 for
anything.  I purchased a M-6 not to long ago, and returned it. I
really like the M-3 better.  I'm sure others wouldn't agree, but
those are my thoughts on the subject.

Dave Stedman
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Date: Tue, 06 May 1997 21:15:37 -0700
>From: "Jeff Segawa"  <>
Subject: LHSA, Collecting, etc
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On Tue, May 6, 1997 7:02 AM, Paul Krzyzanowski
<> wrote: 
>I joined the LHSA at the end of December 1996 and have yet to
>receive a single issue. All I received thus far is a Leica
>catalogue (which I found totally useless... just a collection
>of classified ads).
>Should I be expecting more?

The regular LHSA  newsletter is Viewfinder, which is lots better when it's
not mostly taken up by coverage of the last get-together. Primarily aimed
at the collector, it nevertheless does contain a tidbit here and there
which might be of value to the user, and as a resource for finding folks
who can restore or customize your gear, it's valuble. Also, I once wrote in
a longish letter asking what all the fuss with the screw-mount Leicas was,
if no one was using them to take pictures, and got back a very nice,
thoughtful letter in reply. (In the end, I did manage to take a IIIc out
for a shoot and was very grateful that we've advanced since that time :-)
Lovely camera to behold; really a fuss to operate by today's standards!

I don't have much urge to own a collection, myself, though I'm always happy
to look at someone else's: Give me a mint-in-box MP, and I'll probably try
to very quickly turn it into a slightly used M6 plus lenses, and a whole
lotta money :-)


By the way, I'd be most interested in hearing firsthand impressions from
folks who owned Leica gear at around the time that the M3 was first
introduced: Was it met with any hostility, as somehow being too

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