[Leica] FOR SALE: SL & lenses

Stan Yoder s.yoder at comcast.net
Fri Sep 6 08:36:45 PDT 2024

Fellow Luggers, I'm now 92 and don't get around much anymore, so it's 
time to (reluctantly) divest of my SL and M gear, starting with the SL. 
I'm second owner of the body and 24-90 zoom. Both are in excellent 
shape. I've added a ThumbsUp grip, second battery and M-lenses adapter. 
The 24-90 came with a B&W UV/haze filter and I'll add a Hoya polarizer. 
$1000 for the SL and $1800 for the zoom. I also bought new a Sigma Art 
24/f1.4 AF in L mount, $400. I think I have all the boxes. Email me w/ 
questions or for photos. An M240 and a bunch of M lenses are next.

Stan Yoder, geezer, Pittsburgh area

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