[Leica] IMG: Pisa

Peter Dzwig pdzwig at summaventures.com
Sun Oct 20 05:13:52 PDT 2024

You're right there are a lot of them!

I liked the street art, but was really taken with the ones of the Duomo, 
and in particular of the pulpit: absolutely amazing.

I agree with Shelley! It reminds me that I haven't been there for a long 
time and should go back soon.

As any Florentine will point out Galileo may have been born in Pisa and 
he may have made his famous observation there (swinging pendulum), but 
he is buried in Florence!

I had forgotten about Fermi's associations.

Fascinating set.

On 20/10/2024 06:40, Nathan Wajsman via LUG wrote:
> Besides my two galleries from Poland in September, I have not posted as much as I normally would because I have been busy with the close to 500 photos I took during my trip to Pisa in mid-September. This is a huge number for me from a 4-day visit to a place, simply because it has been a long time  since I have visited a place with so much beauty just out there, in front of me. Forget the leaning tower; there is just so much more to see in Pisa!  For that reason, my gallery is larger than usual, 165 photos, but you can just scroll through the thumbnails and zoom in at those that interest you. The gallery is here:
> https://www.greatpix.eu/Travel/Pisa-Sept-2024 <https://www.greatpix.eu/Travel/Pisa-Sept-2024>
> And as always, comments and critique are welcome and appreciated.
> Nathan
> Nathan Wajsman
> photo at frozenlight.eu
> http://www.fotocycle.dk/paws
> http://www.greatpix.eu
> http://www.frozenlight.eu
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Dr. Peter Dzwig

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