[Leica] If Trump wins, he says he will apply a 20% tax on imported goods.

Nathan Wajsman photo at frozenlight.eu
Tue Oct 15 21:53:57 PDT 2024

I would spend the money towards financing a move to Canada or Mexico.

Nathan Wajsman
photo at frozenlight.eu


Слава Україні! Героям слава!

> On 16 Oct 2024, at 02:10, Frank Filippone via LUG <lug at leica-users.org> wrote:
> What do you do?
> You really really really want a new M11. Or 50mm Noctilux/Nikon Z9.  or a BMW/Lexus or XYZ, all made in some foreign land..
> If you buy it now, before the election you will save thousands..... (actually before he would be inaugurated in January)
> If you wait, and he is elected and he does apply the tariffs, you are out thousands.....
> Do you buy now or later?
> Thoughts? Plans? Tactics?
> (I do not mean this as a political issue,  It is meant only as a fun thought provoking consumer issue. So no rants on Trump, Harris, election denialism, etc..........)
> Frank Filippone
> BMWRed735i at Gmail.com
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