[Leica] Student working in lab

Aram Langhans leica_r8 at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 19 07:08:15 PDT 2024

Wanted to see what the Q3 could do at 1.7 so thought this might be an interesting shot.  Still a bit more depth of field than I wanted but it is a 28mm.  I have not purchased any fast primes for this Nikon, so out of luck there.

USDA Students-1002303 (leica-users.org)<http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Aram/s24/USDA+Students-1002303.jpg.html>

And through a microscope, a codling moth that has had the eye color changed as a marker for a CRISPR induced genetic change.  Not great as the moth was in a small glass vial and there were all kinds of reflections.

Codling Moth CRISPR white eye-8541-Edit- (leica-users.org)<http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Aram/s24/Codling+Moth+CRISPR+white+eye-8541-Edit-.jpg.html>

Comments welcome.

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