[Leica] IMG: some shots along the UC Davis Arboretum

Adam Bridge abridge at mac.com
Thu Jan 4 15:13:22 PST 2024

The first really sunny day brought out a selection of local wildlife.

A turtle basks in the 50 degree sunshine:


The  a great blue heron flew down the length of the arboretum. I encountered it a bit later and was able to approach even on my recumbent trike:



I’m not sure which of these two I like the most:

This one has the curve of the neck:


while this one has more detail of the head:


Then this cormorant posed while drying its wings in the sunshine. It’s standing on an array of floating solar cells that power an aereating system to keep the oxygen levels up during the heat of summer.


Shot on a Leica SL2-S with a Sigma 150-600mm f 5-6.3 lens hand held.

Enjoy. Comments/critique most welcome.

Adam Bridge
Davis, CA

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