[Leica] Any SL users posting or lurking?

Adam Bridge abridge at mac.com
Mon Apr 22 14:42:05 PDT 2024

I’m using both an SL2 and SL2S. I like them quite a bit.

I found a couple of sites useful in setting up the cameras.

The guys on Red Dot Forum (YouTube) have a setup video:


It's useful and is very good at explaining how to set up the various User Profile settings which I had somehow ignored. That part starts about 1:49:00 into the video. Yes - it’s long.

Also Leica Camera Australia has some fine SL2/SL2S videos that I found useful. I like Nick Rains’ style of video. He also does a deep deep dive into the video settings that, frankly, told me more than I wanted to know! (Sorta like that book about penquins.) 

They’re at:


I've been shooting primarily with the 100-400 and the 24-90 although I have the 24-70 as well. And I use a couple of M lenses: 50mm sumicron and 50mm noctilux f1.0 as well as the R lens 100mm APO macro.

I’m pleased that Leica has upgraded the features with firmware updates and hope they manage to do a few more even though the SL3 is now out.

I admit that I would like phase-detect autofocus.

I’m also really pleased with the geotagging of photos through the Leica Leica FOTOS app on my iPhone. Unlike the Fuji version for my X-H2S using the Xapp, the link to the camera is very fast. By the time the camera has been turned on and is up to my eye the GPS data is ready to be linked. Vastly better than it was a year or so ago.

It’s not a light camera, that’s for sure, and the native lenses are large and heavy as well. Oh the joy of autofocus motors.

What are you shooting with (in terms of glass?)

Adam Bridge
Davis, CA

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