[Leica] Can you import this image into your Lightroom?

Michael Gardner mlgardner96 at mac.com
Tue Nov 28 17:50:54 PST 2023

I am using the same version of LR and Mac OS as you and I just imported the jpeg with no problem.

My workflow is to copy any images to be imported to a folder on an external drive then import into LR by reference from that folder.

Michael Gardner

> On Nov 28, 2023, at 7:41 PM, Brian Reid <reid at mejac.carlsbad.ca.us> wrote:
> Here is one image from the collection that cannot not be imported into my Lightroom.
> If you are running Lightroom Classic v13 and are feeling public-spirited, might you try to import it into your Lightroom to see what happens?
> I use Lightroom Classic 13.0.1 on Mac Sonoma 14.1.1.
> https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/l4a7oxwf4o4jxejebva6c/20231105-2048-copy3.jpg?rlkey=goz7dwhceabibks7mdgcgmqzr&dl=0
> I've found that unless I remove the EXIF Camera Data, it won't import for me.
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