[Leica] Monday Misc.

Don Dory don.dory at gmail.com
Mon Nov 27 00:46:00 PST 2023

Greetings to all.  For many years we have volunteered for Project Turkey:
this is an effort to provide a meal to shut-ins and otherwise people not
able to have a meal during the US Thanksgiving holiday.  This year was
record year for meals delivered and volunteers showing up on the holiday to
provide a hot meal to those excluded from the mainstream.

First is a clamshell decorated by the younger set while their parents did
other volunteer work:


The next image is the conga line to fill the clamshells with turkey,
vegetables, bread, dressing, and pumpkin pie:


I spent most of my Thursday morning shredding turkey carcasses.  The
turkeys were smoked(about 14000) the prior day in 7 cities:


All the best.  Please let me know if these don't come up.  I recently
upgraded my OS and the auto password failed and passwords are kept remotely.

don.dory at gmail.com

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