[Leica] Img: Sr. Sistine of South Dublin

Douglas Barry imra at iol.ie
Sun Nov 26 14:53:12 PST 2023

This is a mural of Sr. Mary Concepta Lynch that I discovered as I took a 
short cut in my car. It's part of the Anseo street art festival in Dun 
Laoghaire. The mural is in Lynch Lane which is nominatively appropriate, 
but the location has no connection to her as far as I know.

I had my Fuji X100S with me for the first time in a while, but the lane 
is one small car's width, so, when I walked back to it, I found myself 
with my back pressed to the opposite wall to get the shot and no way to 
overcome the bollard. Yes, I know I could use Photoshop, but the black 
and white bollard goes with her habit. BTW I don't know the artist, but 
will find out to help deter the onset of Completeness Deficit Anxiety.


Who was Mary Concepta Lynch? This might help - 
As you'll see she was a Sister - a Dominican nun with Sistine leanings 
and accomplishments.

Gradually shedding his post operative issues, and getting an itchy 
shutter finger again.

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