[Leica] [IMG] [PESO]: Dew pond in the Snow

Peter Dzwig pdzwig at summaventures.com
Fri Mar 31 03:21:22 PDT 2023

Thanks Don.

It's actually sadder than you may think. They were on a droving route 
and provided water after a hard climb up the hill as they came across 
from Wales.

Since they aren't used these days they are slowly filling in. There are 
the remains of three or four of various sizes. There are still a dozen 
or so cattle up there, but if they aren't maintained properly  then 
slowly the cattle stir up the mud and the pools silt up and they get 
choked with reeds and eventually disappear A pity.

Don McCullin has a bigger and better maintained one near him:


Not to be outdone, we have an Iron Age enclosure too! ;-) If you look 
back at my picture of The Ploughman and his Team, they stand, mostly, in 
the middle of it.


On 30/03/2023 15:16, Don Dory via LUG wrote:
> I like your choice to keep the snow just a little less than white; implying
> to me some sadness in the state of the hole reinforced by the solitary
> figures in the distant background.  I spent most of my life in places where
> water scarcity is a concern so the concept of a small pond available after
> a days travel is appealing.
> On Mon, Mar 13, 2023 at 2:33 PM Peter Dzwig <pdzwig at summaventures.com>
> wrote:
>> This little pond is possibly all that remains of what was a dew pond*
>> when the hill was still on a drovers' route across the hill and down to
>> Gloucester, the Severn Valley. It is now all but filled in.
>> The black dot on the horizon is a walker, not one of my dogs this time!
>> <
>> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/PeterDzwig/DewPondSnow_20230310_113546-01.jpeg.html
>> Thanks for looking and as ever your C&Cs are much appreciated.
>> Peter
>> * For anyone who doesn't know what one is - I have no idea what they are
>> called Stateside - these were ponds where cattle/sheep etc could get a
>> drink after a hard day's travel. Often natural, but also man-made and
>> lined with clay to hold the water. They were literally filled by dew and
>> rain and occasionally by a spring.
>> --
>> Dr. Peter Dzwig
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Dr. Peter Dzwig

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