[Leica] Portraits

Tina Manley tmanley at gmail.com
Tue Jan 24 13:17:09 PST 2023

LUG and MUG -

Since we can't travel these days, I have been going through my old travel
photos and editing them for just portraits.  In order to limit the
selection, I decided to only choose those where people are making eye
contact with me.  That did eliminate quite a few but they are adding up!!
I have only done 5 countries so far.  About 70 countries left to go!!

It has been interesting and fun and I'll continue - in between helping Tom
with the remodeling of our farmhouse (if you are on Facebook, you know).

Let me know what you think.  It's overwhelming but you can jump around and
only view a few!



PS:  About 90% of them are made with Leica cameras and lenses, but there
are a few exceptions.


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