[Leica] Friday Follies

Don Dory don.dory at gmail.com
Fri Jan 20 02:32:00 PST 2023

Greetings to all.  This week we spent all our time in East Austin.
Traditionally, East Austin was the wrong side of the tracks.  However, when
Texas quit being so generous in support of the UT system, the students
migrated to East Austin because it was close to the university and cheap.
They brought all the business that well loved children with affluent
parents bring.  Obviously, the previous occupants are being priced out and
there is a bit of push back.  So we start with a store:


Across from the store is a fence with several pieces of art:




Moving down the block a bit and changing the side of the street we find
this on another storefront:


All the best.

don.dory at gmail.com

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