[Leica] Khajuraho

Jayanand Govindaraj jayanand at gmail.com
Tue Jan 3 06:04:52 PST 2023

On our recent trip, Neela wanted to go to Varanasi, and I wanted to go to
Bandhavgarh, so the only practical method of getting from the latter to the
former was to drive to Khajuraho (5 hours from Bandhavgarh) and take a
flight the next day to Varanasi. Khajuraho hosts a profusion of temples
dating from the 9th to 11th centuries by the Chandela Kingdom, that had
been forgotten till an English Surveyor, T.S.Burt, was taken to them by
locals in the first half of the 19th century. The temples are beautiful,
largely made out of sandstone, festooned with exquisite sculptures. In the
9th to 11th centuries, Central India was still completely Hindu in its
ethos, and had not yet been influenced by the Abrahamic religions, and the
associated prudery, so sex was not taboo, it was just another facet of life
to be reckoned with, with the result that 10% of the decorative sculptures
there depict explicit erotic acts of sex. Needless to say, Khajuraho is in
the top five tourist destinations in India. 😇

We had one evening in Khajuraho, and we went to the Western Complex, next
door to the hotel we stayed in. A sample of the erotic sculpture is in a
separate folder, so list members can make their own decision whether to see
the photographs or not.

Unusual Angles:

Temple Exterior:


Message From Mt.Kailash (or Heaven):


Erotic Sculptures:

Please see LARGE

Comments and criticism, as usual, welcome


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