[Leica] IMG: The Dive

Adam Bridge abridge at mac.com
Tue Dec 26 12:51:33 PST 2023

We took a cruise through the Panama Canal this month, leaving from Miami on the first of December and arriving in Los Angeles on the 22nd of December. The weather was VERY hot and humid. Imagine that: the tropics!

As were were about to depart Puntarenas, Costa Rica I was watching the brown pelicans diving for fish. I was astounded at their speed and the height from which they began their dive.

I was using my Fujifilm X-H2S with the 100-400 lens trying to catch that perfect shot.

What I captured was rather different but I think it captures the speed and the fundamental of a diving pelican.


This is nearly full-frame and essentially unedited because to my eye, well, I don’t know what I’d do differently.

I’d welcome your thoughts and feedback.

Thanks for looking. I know it’s been a while for me to post.

Adam Bridge
Davis, CA

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