[Leica] Warning to iPhone users..... Thanks Apple......

Jayanand Govindaraj jayanand at gmail.com
Fri Sep 30 18:43:33 PDT 2022

This document is just like one I just signed for investing in an Alternate Investment Fund a few days ago which ran to 390 pages of CYA clauses. Why they cannot distill it into one sentence reading “We are not responsible for our own actions, no matter what happens” is beyond me! 


Sent from my iPad

> On 01-Oct-2022, at 00:38, Brian Reid <reid at mejac.carlsbad.ca.us> wrote:
> I don't feel disagreed with. Our experiences are different, but neither of us is wrong.
> I have 3 comments.
> 1. On my iPhone (a 12 Pro Max) under Settings->Camera->Formats there is an option to 'Show camera control for ProRAW'. I have that turned on. When I am shooting something where resolution matters, I click the "RAW" button that option enables (on the top right of the app screen). You all know what RAW format is and does.
> 2. HEIC is a container format. (That's what the C stands for.) That means it can have more than one edition of the image inside the file. It sounds to me like your app might accidentally have used the preview image and not the main image. I use Adobe Camera Raw to poke around inside HEIC files to see what's there.
> 3. Apple is a computer company. They all make undocumented changes. It is necessary to be cautious whenever you "update" anything.
> In 1969 I experienced what remains to this day the ultimate "we are a computer company and we will change whatever we want whenever we want" event. Nothing has surprised me since.
>    My employer had an IBM 7094 computer running IBSYS 13 for its operating system. Like all such installations in 1969, there was a purchase contract with a warranty. If the system misbehaved, IBM would solve the problem and fix it free of charge. Every couple of years the contract would come up for renewal, and the scaredy-cat owners always paid the money to renew the software warranty.
>    What it meant to "behave" or "misbehave" was that there was a 100-page document specifying what IBSYS 13 was supposed to do, and if you could demonstrate to IBM that it was not doing that, they were contractually obligated to fix it. I may well have been the only employee there who had read and understood the entire Specification document.
>    In late 1969, we got a letter from IBM saying that they were issuing a new Specification document. This was before the era of FedEx, so it was hand-carried by a courier all the way from Armonk NY. My boss gave it to me to read. It consisted of one sentence: "The full specification of IBSYS version 13 is defined by its behavior."
>    Some digital packrat has saved the last real specification document. See
> http://bitsavers.org/pdf/ibm/7090/C28-6248-7_v13_IBSYS_Dec66.pdf
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