[Leica] OT: playing a slideshow in an endless loop--how?

Meino de Graaf meino at innerside.demon.nl
Sat Sep 24 04:04:52 PDT 2022

In Lightroom it is easy, just create a slideshow from the selected 
photos and export it as a video. One of the parameters that can be set 
is the time a picture has to be shown. In the export of the video you 
can chose the format (72p, 1080p etc). For the display you can use VLC 
which can automaticly repeat a mp4 file.

Regards Meino

Op 9/24/2022 om 9:00 AM schreef Nathan Wajsman:
> Later this week, we have an event at work, celebrating the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the department in which I work. We decided to exhibit about 150 photographs that I have taken over the years during our various meetings and other functions, to be displayed on big screens outside the large meeting room, so people can look at them during coffee breaks and lunch.
> I have all the pictures, sized correctly and all that. Now the challenge is to find a way to create a standalone slideshow (e.g. an MP4 file) that can be played on any computer, with each photo on the screen for 3 seconds before moving on to the next one, and once all photos have been displayed, automatically go back to the beginning.
> I know I can import the photos into Powerpoint, but then it has to be slide by slide, rather tedious. Same with Adobe Express. I wonder if there is some batch solution.
> TIA for any help.
> Nathan
> Nathan Wajsman
> photo at frozenlight.eu
> http://www.fotocycle.dk/paws
> http://www.greatpix.eu
> http://www.frozenlight.eu
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