[Leica] Wednesday Weeds

Don Dory don.dory at gmail.com
Wed May 25 03:07:00 PDT 2022

Greetings to all.  This week is mostly from Palo Duro canyon outside of
Amarillo.  We start with a mesquite in full display:


This part of Texas has been in drought for a while, the only things
thriving outside of some creeks flowing from snow melt are mesquite trees.
They are prolific and spread like dandelions so I am calling them a weed.
They do serve a useful function in drought by pulling water from very deep
in the soil layers and bringing it up to the surface.  This tree is at the
edge of the canyon:


Another view of a mesquite near a water way:


I believe this is from early spring but now long dried out:


A different look at the thistles:


It's amazing what plants can do even when their seeds are blown into
unfavorable places:


All the best.

don.dory at gmail.com

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