[Leica] IMG: 12 hours in the 5th arrondissement

Lluis Ripoll lluisripollphotography at gmail.com
Mon May 16 02:34:02 PDT 2022

Hola amigo,

Interesante y buenas fotos de un recorrido totalmente desconocido por mi en el Quartier Latin del que solo visité l’Abbaye de Cluny. Solía hospedarme en ese barrio en mis primeras visitas a Paris a principios de los 60, ha cambiado mucho, la famosa Rue de Mouffertad y otras, si vuelves por allí busca el nº 11 de la Rue Blainville, ahora es un edificio restaurado y modernizado, el portalón del nº 11 es moderno, en mis tiempos era un viejo edificio con una vieja puerta de entrada, allí pasé en la buhardilla de unas amigas un fin de año inolvidable, desde las ventanas se veía la cúpula de la Sorbonne, decían mis amigas que en esa casa habían habitado varios mosqueteros del Rey… 

<https://www.google.es/maps/place/Crazy+Pasta/@48.8444414,2.3482342,3a,75y,158.96h,82.22t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sZblq4Nqpd8SKDnWSMsXa9g!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x47e671e8c4e01fdd:0x9701d9b10d660f4c!2s11+Rue+Blainville,+75005+Paris,+Francia!3b1!8m2!3d48.8442773!4d2.3482117!3m4!1s0x47e671e8c9534adb:0xb88afb31e68e74e6!8m2!3d48.844531!4d2.348768 >

Un abrazo

> El 15 maig 2022, a les 19:23, Nathan Wajsman <photo at frozenlight.eu> va escriure:
> I have had a hectic couple of weeks, with travel and work, so I am a bit behind with my weekly blog, but in the meantime I am working my way through the many photos I took during my travels.
> On April 28th I presented a new study we have done together with the Community Plant Variety Office in Angers, a couple of hours south of Paris by train. The following day I was going to travel to Washington. So once my work at Angers was done in the afternoon, I went to get a Covid test at a pharmacy (necessary for travelling to the US the following day), and then took the train to Paris to spend the night there. My flight to the US was on the 29th in the afternoon, so I had asked our travel agency to get me a hotel close to a RER (commuter train) station so that I could easily get to the Charles de Gaulle airport the next day, preferably somewhere in the Latin quarter. And so it was.
> I arrived at my hotel around 11 p.m. on the 28th, checked in and went for a walk in search of beer. Bars in Paris close early but I found a couple of suitable watering holes and also took a few night pictures. The next morning I got up early, as I always do, and went for a walk in the area, visiting some familiar places (such as Jardin du Luxembourg) and a couple of places that I had not visited before—the Panthéon, where the great and good of France (and some deserving foreigners) are buried, and the church of Saint-Étienne du Mont, one of the oldest in Paris. All in all, I spent about 12 hours in Paris between my arrival late in the evening and getting on the train to the airport early in the afternoon the following day. A small gallery of 40 photos shows some of the things I saw during my short visit. I am not necessarily pleased with every image I have (around 80 altogether that survived the cull on the plane), but I am pleased overall with a decent heist from such a short stay.
> http://www.frozenlight.eu/paris_apr2022/index.html
> Cheers,
> Nathan
> Nathan Wajsman
> photo at frozenlight.eu
> http://www.fotocycle.dk/paws
> http://www.greatpix.eu
> http://www.frozenlight.eu
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