[Leica] Polaroid SX-70 Manipulations #1

CartersXRd cartersxrd at gmail.com
Tue Mar 22 21:28:35 PDT 2022

these are wonderful


> On Mar 22, 2022, at 11:00 PM, Christopher Crawford <chris at chriscrawfordphoto.com> wrote:
> Something else that you could do with the old Polaroid materials was emulsion lifts. This worked on the type 669 Peel-Apart film. The print would be placed in a tray of hot water, then moved to a tray of cold water. This softened the emulsion then broke it loose from the plastic backing. You could then slide apiece of drawing paper under the floating emulsion. The emulsion would be wrinkled and could be manipulated before it dried. Once dry, it stuck to the new paper. Here's an example:
> https://chriscrawfordphoto.com/chris-details.php?product=1816
> Image Transfers were another thing that worked with the peel-apart films. With this technique, you took a piece of drawing paper and soaked it in water for a few minutes, then blotted it so it was damp but not wet on the surface. You would take a picture with the peel apart film. Normally, you pulled the film from the camera and waited 90 seconds to peel it apart. When doing a transfer, you'd pull it apart immediately then quickly put the 'negative' sheet face down on the damp drawing paper. A rubber roller was used to push it flat on the paper. You then waited the 90 seconds before peeling the negative sheet off. The image would be transferred to the drawing paper. Because regular paper does not have the gelatin receiving layer that the Polaroid print material has, the image would look soft, with muted color. Here's one:
> https://chriscrawfordphoto.com/chris-details.php?product=1835

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