[Leica] Tried something new

Aram Langhans leica_r8 at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 22 10:40:29 PDT 2022

I often take a series of 4-10 photos of a flower and stack them for more 
DOF  to retain a nice soft background, but this time I decided to try 
something a bit different.  I took one shot at f-5.6 for a nice 
background then another at f-22 for more DOF on the flower and combined 
them with a mask rather than a stack of images.  I think it worked 
pretty well and with a slight wind it was easier to align two images 
than many.  I know the flower could be sharper shot with a succession of 
images at 5.6 as at 22 diffraction will start to degrade the image, but 
I am overall pleased with the image.

Crocus-7389-Edit (leica-users.org) 

comments welcome.


Aram Langhans
(Semi) Retired Science Teacher
& Unemployed photographer
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