[Leica] A few shots from Gray Lodge Wildlife Area

Adam Bridge abridge at mac.com
Fri Jan 14 15:33:46 PST 2022

Wednesday we went to Gray Lodge to see the snow geese. We’d gone a year ago and were blown away with how many there were.

There weren’t nearly so many this year - but we saw many more outside the refuge as we drove up - the rice fields were wet and often with a generous selection of geese.

But this year there was snow on the coastal range: <https://adam-bridge.smugmug.com/Animals/2021-01-12-Greylodge-Wildlife-Refuge/i-z4jbTcJ/A>

We picnicked at our usual spot. Last year zillions of birds, this year…not so much:


But there were some. I followed Ted Grants dictum and shot them from the shadow side:


and these made for a pleasant composition:


I love how wing feathers react during hard use, such as landing:


I have no idea what this small raptor is. Bigger than a merlin but smaller than a red tail:


This guy stood proud though:


Who knew there were so many one-legged birds? Must be a rehab ward:


And there’s this guy who isn’t a mallard:


The entire set is here: <https://adam-bridge.smugmug.com/Animals/2021-01-12-Greylodge-Wildlife-Refuge/>

Most taken with Fuji X-T3 with the 100-400 but some with Son A7Riii with the 100-400. It died for some reason. One shot with the Leica SL2-S. I dont’ have anything long that works with the SL2 so mostly it was for a couple of landscapes.

Thanks for looking,

Adam Bridge

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