[Leica] Friday Follies

Don Dory don.dory at gmail.com
Fri Jan 14 03:45:00 PST 2022

Greetings to all.  This week will be somewhat of a departure.  I am
cleaning up some relevant images to how weird Austin can be.  Our first one
is just a well done bit of neon:


This second image is dead center of the primary tourist area south of


We do get one traditional bit of wall art for a well loved singer
songwriter in central Texas and with an international reputation:


The good citizens of Austin do love their creatures:


This was taken from the old East side of Austin traditionally Hispanic and
still very much so although the neighborhoods are being turned over as the
last relatively affordable neigborhoods:


Last we have a converted free newspaper dispensary now being used to
collect books for prisoners.  For those outside the US the sticker
referring to ICE is about immigation and customs:


All the best.

don.dory at gmail.com

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