[Leica] Facebook Jail

Douglas Barry imra at iol.ie
Thu Dec 15 05:11:37 PST 2022

That's unbelievable, Tina, but not really, I suppose, in these 
unbelievable times. That said, the volume of obnoxious crap that is 
posted second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour ad nauseum to 
Facebook and its ilk just cannot be handled by humans, so algorithms are 
their first line of defence, and probably their second and third lines 
too. I'm sure there will be some human intervention at some stage in the 
process, but getting to it will take time. There's unlikely to be any 
snap resolution soon.

It's just the price of (anti)social media whose users post diahorrea 
like spurts of images without editing. As you can probably guess I don't 
use that type of media myself, but many of us who have young 
grandchildren are swamped by their parents posting streams of 
interminable images of the little darlings onto sites like Family Album 
straight from their phones without even looking at what they've 
uploaded. Isn't the march of progress great?!?!

Keep us posted on how you get on

On 14/12/2022 14:44, Tina Manley via LUG wrote:
> LUG:
> I am in Facebook jail and cannot post anything for 24 hours.  I posted a
> photo of a naked child playing in a fountain in Portugal - in broad
> daylight, with lots of people around, and no genitalia showing.  It
> violates their community standards.
> 90% of the photos posted on most of the Leica Facebook pages are of naked
> women - not art but cheesecake - paid models.
> To say I'm aggravated would be an understatement.
> Tina

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