[Leica] IMG: Sunset Day

Douglas Barry imra at iol.ie
Thu Dec 8 16:47:33 PST 2022

Greetings, and a Happy Sunset Day to all! There's an interesting photo 
coming - read on.

This is the day of the earliest sunset of the year in mid-northern 
latitudes like the USA where most Luggers hang their respective hats. 
 From tomorrow, the sunsets begin, ever so slowly, to be later, 
according to clock time. However, where I am in Ireland the sunset will 
take another couple of days to reach that latitude's earliest one. 
However, to make up for that, all our the sunrises will continue to get 
later squeezing the daylight hours until we reach the 21st/22nd December 
- the shortest days of the year.

This odd effect is caused by the tilting Earth in relationship explained 
here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analemma

Here is the very first photograph of the phenomenon taken by Denis Di 
Ciccio over a year in 1978/9. His camera was stationary in the same spot 
at the same time of day for one year.

However, I have no idea what camera lens combination was used.


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