[Leica] Singing the praise of the M10

Richard Man richard at richardman.photo
Sat Aug 20 13:24:38 PDT 2022

I lost my trusty M9 in a car fire earlier in the year. While I use mainly
4x5 / Hassy for portraits and landscapes, the M is still my go to camera -
I mean, the iPhone 13 is really good, but it's not the same.

So last week, I reluctantly sold my Monochrom, which I had only gotten at
the beginning of the year, and with the help of "6 months interest free
credit", bought the most beat-up M10 I could find to drive the cost as low
as possible. Some collectors would call it "trash condition" but it just
has some nicks here and there. No biggie.

I think the M10 is the perfect digital M. The ISO1600 and 3200 images are
very clean. 24MP is plenty enough for what I need it for. The body
ergonomics are just so much better than the M9 series. Back in 2004 when I
got my first M, I remember wondering why anyone would complain about the
difference of a few millimeters between some M6 models and others. Well, a
few (1?) mm difference of the M9 body thickness does make a difference to
me, so I guess I had become a bona-fide Leica snob ;-P

I missed the Monochrom "colors" terribly though. Fortunately, I found a set
of "M9-like B&W Conversion" Lightroom presets and the converted results do
look quite good.

I Love it. I think the M7 is the perfect film M, and the M10 is the perfect
digital M.

"Some People Drive, We Are Driven"

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