[Leica] Cameras, Film and books for sale

ernest nitka enitka54 at gmail.com
Thu May 13 05:08:06 PDT 2021

Photo Equipment for Sale

For sale in CONUS. PayPal or Check

Leica M Meter - old speeds with box.  The needle seems to move in response to light but I can’t honestly verify much more than that as I don’t have an M camera that it can mount to. 

Leica R4 with Motor Winder Cosmetically the R4 is a 9 and winder 8 $300 for both

Rolleiflex Automat MX overhauled 2017 by Henry Flenor.  New Maxwell Focusing screen added.  Comes with lens shade, Rollienar close up lens type 2, Rolleikin 35 mm adapter, leather case. NEW PRICE:  Ebay price is $800 but for LUG it’s $650.

Books and Photographs for Sale

The Prairie Madness Project is something that I’ve been doing for about 10 years.  It finally came to me that I was never going to get rich selling my photos.  So I came upon the idea of selling my book and photos with donations being made to two prairie preservation organizations here in the United States. 

So I invite LUG to take a look  https://www.prairiemadness.com/ and head over to “Own a Piece of the Prairie” to consider buying a book or photo.  The prices listed do not include postage which I will add after the selection is made.  

Film for Sale

Hand rolled Foma Retro 320 Soft-  Hard to find film in individual 35 mm rolls.  The only place I could find it was at B and H in 100 foot rolls.  I’m selling 36 exp for $6.00.  I’ve shot the first roll and there are not scratches or light leaks.  The film has a glow about it hence the term ‘soft’ .  Won’t be my daily film but for that certain look it’s great.  

Postage- to be figured out at time of purchase.

Selling as there’s been a downturn in my investments due to COVID. Pictures upon request.

Ernie Nitka
enitka1 at comcast.net

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