[Leica] Leica mystery

Douglas Barry imra at iol.ie
Tue May 4 08:38:27 PDT 2021

Yes, it is the very planned decisive moment with probably Willi 
Baumeister (or his twin) carrying a painting. You wonder were any of the 
other people in the picture prompted to place themselves exactly where 
they are? It's expanding art with artifice. No one can tell us now as 
the little girl walking uphill past the bar with  her mother must be 
tipping 100 years old now - if she has survived. My mother would have 
been four at the time and is now in a nursing home.

Anyway, without his new Leica, the influence of Atget on a very 
collaborative art scene in Paris, this photo would not have happened.


On 04/05/2021 14:10, Douglas Barry wrote:
> Philippe,
> Of course, you are right!
> It is Rue de Dr. Vuillieme at Meudon in Paris, looking at the now 
> widened SNCF bridge.
> and here is the original photograph
> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/DouglasBray/Meudon+1928+Andre+Kertesz+taken+on+Rue+du+Dr+Vuillieme+Meudon+Paris.jpg.html 
> This is a link to the place on streetview
> https://tinyurl.com/3p38cdx7
> Maybe we should have a LUG encounter in Paris and do a modern 
> restaging of this iconic image when CoVid and its variants have been 
> put to the sword?
> Douglas
> On 04/05/2021 11:46, Philippe via LUG wrote:
>> KERTESZ André, MEUDON (Fr), 1928
>> The guy in the top hat featured on the photo (not yours, he’s long 
>> gone) could be a German painter by the name of Baumeister.
>> Correct?
>>   Amities
>> Philippe
>>> Le 3 mai 2021 à 20:30, Douglas Barry <imra at iol.ie> a écrit :
>>> Here is the a modified image from Dr. G's street view of a location 
>>> of a well known photograph taken by a famous Leica user with a Leica.
>>> Who took the famous image there and what was it called?
>>> There is no prize other than universal acclaim.
>>> Douglas
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