[Leica] M9 sensor replacement bit speedy for the Lomo crowd tho

Mark Kronquist mak at teleport.com
Sun Mar 21 11:50:49 PDT 2021

> On Mar 21, 2021, at 11:22 AM, Richard Man <richard at imagecraft.com> wrote:
> Sounds like camera Lomographers would love!
> On Sun, Mar 21, 2021 at 7:59 AM Jeffery Smith via LUG <lug at leica-users.org>
> wrote:
>> It has corrosion, but it also produce pictures that are out of an LSD
>> trip. The image is half nothing and half crazy red and cyan blurr. I'm sure
>> that the sensor needs  a new cover glass but also new electronics.
>>> On Mar 20, 2021, at 12:55 PM, Frank Filippone via LUG <
>> lug at leica-users.org> wrote:
>>> You do not want the sensor replaced, you want the SENSOR COVER GLASS
>> replaced.
>>> This may sound overly specific, but in THEIR repairman language, this is
>> what you want them to do.
>>> Tell them the part you want replaced is the same as if you have
>> scratches on your sensor cover glass.
>>> ( the actual problem is corrosion of the coatings on the glass, but that
>> is not what you want to tell them.  They will misunderstand)
>>> If they tell you anything other than the cost is about $200-400, they
>> did not understand you.  ( most likely $200, just like all Kolari or Life
>> Pixel IR or UV sensor cover glass replacements)
>>> I have pointed this out several times.... Leica uses the word "SENSOR"
>> to mean the entire PC Board with the actual silicon imaging chip.
>>> No one else (rational) uses this language.
>>> BTW, a used M9 with Leica replaced sensor cover glass, costs about $2K.
>> Your corroded M9 is worth about $800.  Think twice before you dive into
>> fixing your camera.
>>> An M240 is about $3k.  an M10 is about $4k.
>>> If you do NOT care if you have the CCD (M9) Sensor, you have other
>> options.
>>> Frank Filippone
>>> BMWRed735i at gmail.com
>>> On 3/20/2021 8:25 AM, Jeffery Smith via LUG wrote:
>>>> I'm going to try Kolari before *they* stop doing sensors.
>>>>> On Mar 20, 2021, at 10:20 AM, Don Dory via LUG <lug at leica-users.org>
>> wrote:
>>>>> Leica doesn't do M9's anymore(sensors anyway) so the independents are
>> your
>>>>> solution.   The Kodak sensors were a problem as far as cover glass
>> anyway.
>>>>> I still like how they render color although the software tools are
>> making
>>>>> that less an issue.
>>>>> On Sat, Mar 20, 2021, 10:15 AM Jeffery Smith via LUG <
>> lug at leica-users.org>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I tried the Portland fellows but they told me that they don't replace
>>>>>> sensors. Recommended that I send the camera to Leica. I'm not a
>>>>>> professional photographer, and Leica does seem to distinguish between
>> pros
>>>>>> and amateurs while still charging the same price to both groups. The
>> M9 and
>>>>>> M8 have given me trouble, between the two of them, four times.
>>>>>>> On Mar 19, 2021, at 9:51 PM, Mark Kronquist via LUG <
>> lug at leica-users.org>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> jayesunn
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> -- 
> // richard http://imagecraft.com
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