[Leica] Rolleiflex questions

Paul Roark roark.paul at gmail.com
Wed Mar 10 18:37:06 PST 2021

I no longer use Rolleis (but still have my SL66).  This is the person in
the L.A. area who I used when there and in need of Rollei repair:  Harry
Fleenor at http://www.rolleirepairs.com/ .  Given the years that it's been,
I'd be surprised if Harry is actually still there, but the outfit seems to
still exist.

I watched a Rollei repair person, who had been doing that for Rollei corp.
when they were still a large outfit.  One of the tricks I learned from him
is to use a needle to lubricate things.  He dipped the needle or pin into a
light oil and then touched the mechanism or bearing to be lubricated with
the pin.  That transferred enough oil without risking oil being flung by
the shutter onto the film or lens.  I have known Rollei TLR owners who have
successfully used this lubrication approach.

Good luck.  I claim no expertise here; I'm simply noting my observations of
what someone who was an expert appeared to do.


On Wed, Mar 10, 2021 at 5:00 PM Douglas Barry <imra at iol.ie> wrote:

> I know there are people with Rolleiflexes on this list, so apologies as
> I commit heresy here.
> I have three - a Planar 2.8 (up in the attic so inaccessible just now),
> a T s/n 2,117,7## from July 1959, an Automat s/n 1,251,9xx from Dec '51
> to Jan '52 - so decided to run run their shutters through the speeds and
> noticed the T seems slow at the higher speeds. Any ideas where I can
> find the most accurate way of checking the speeds for discrepancies? It
> probably needs a CLA, but that's a hunt for another day.
> I also noticed that the T based on the serial number range on the
> Rolleiclub page is supposed to be in grey leather, but mine is black. I
> presume their list isn't gospel? On the Automat which works fine, its
> black leather has small brown scuff marks, so I suppose shoe polish will
> do the trick there, or is there a better remedy?
> Thanks
> Douglas
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