[Leica] Monday Misc.

Don Dory don.dory at gmail.com
Mon Jul 19 03:15:56 PDT 2021

Greetings to all.  Another week of random photographs from around SoCo
Austin.  The first image is from a stand next to the State School for the


This unfortunate bike is just a block away:


Texas has been quickly reopening since about mid-March.  There is a severe
shortage of workers for the service businesses.  $1000 dollar bonuses
after 90 days etc.  The wages offered on this sign do not include tips.  In
the U.S. tips can be 300% or more of wages in a good restaurant/bar with a
charming server:


This one is a comment on the places we put ourselves:


Alright, this one is just for fun.  I was walking by, saw this and thought
of the TV show Adams Family:


While applicable most everywhere, this scene of many women gathered over a
screen in a public place is most amusing at almost any level you care to
take it;


All the best.

don.dory at gmail.com

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