[Leica] All shot up

Peter Klein boulanger.croissant at gmail.com
Fri Feb 26 12:46:57 PST 2021

Brian, I’m horrified to hear what happened to you and Victoria. This is the first time I’ve heard of someone catching COVID at a vaccination. Heal well!  Ditto to you, Douglas.  And I'm so glad that those of you who got mild cases are OK. 

We received our second shot (Pfizer) on Wednesday. Swedish Hospital set up a clinic in a big ballroom at a local university. We wore double masks. There were armies of volunteers checking everyone in, taking temperatures, directing us to hand sanitizer stations, doing paperwork, etc. The 15 minute waiting area after the shot had chairs spaced 6 feet apart. Everyone was masked, some of the workers also had face shields or safety goggles.  They seemed to be doing it right, and we were very impressed. 

After the first dose, both of us were very tired for a day, and had low-grade headaches. Second dose after effects were stronger. By the evening, we both got progressively more tired and achy.  The next day we both had strong, flu-like muscle aches everywhere, and didn’t want to do nothing, nohow. That began to diminish by bedtime.  Today we feel much better, but still very tired.  

--Peter, dictating to my iPad
(If it misconstrues, please excuse)

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