[Leica] Yearbook: PLEASE

Peter Klein boulanger.croissant at gmail.com
Mon Feb 8 14:27:29 PST 2021

Tina--aka "She who gets more done in a day than most of us do in a 
week"--has revealed that not feeling like doing much of anything is just 
normal these days. That's OK. The cure for this malaise is simple:  Do 
it anyway. You can revert to your fully-justified slovenly sloth AFTER 

--Peter, who just did

Tina wrote:

 > Something about this pandemic makes me put things off.
 > I'll do it tomorrow, after lunch, is my usual excuse for everything.  
 > talked to others who have the same malaise and don't want to do 
 > I've had one vaccination so maybe that will help my "get up and go" which
 > has gotten up and gone!

Brian wrote:

 > There are not yet quite enough submissions to warrant publishing a
 > yearbook. By my calculation there are 643 of you who are receiving this
 > message but have not submitted anything. Don't let the masterpieces
 > produced by a few people intimidate you into believing that we don't
 > want to see your pictures. 2 pictures with captions, soon?
 > http://leica-users.org/yearbook/

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