[Leica] Firmware Updates

Frank Filippone bmwred735i at gmail.com
Mon Feb 1 10:07:10 PST 2021

Two comments....
There is no connection from the M digi cameras to the aperture dial/ring 
on the lens.  None.  So as much as the exif data says something, it just 
is not true.  Same aperture, same as what you manually set.  Note that 
the shutter speed is the same for both images.  The camera will properly 
record the shutter speed.The aperture is a guesstimate. M8-M10 all the 
same.  Suspect this is a bug in the FW.

The resultant picture is really quite good in its ability to straighten 
the distortion created by having the lens tilted up ( a bit).  Very 
impressive indeed.  But, for this image, the basic image plus LR (or 
other) would have allowed the result to be absolutely square..    	
Apparently the camera selected the near vertical edge of the house and 
made that absolutely vertical.  But the far corner is not.  Using the 
distortion control in LR, you could properly square up the 2 
corners..... IOW, good for some things, bad if you are depending on this 
for serious architecture.

Leica has been talking about computational photography.  This is the 
first implementation I have seen in a real product.

Frank Filippone
BMWRed735i at Gmail.com

On 2/1/2021 7:49 AM, James Handsfield wrote:
> Further, if you check out the Exif, you’ll see that the auto perspective control reduced the aperture from f/1.4 to f.4.
> Jim Handsfield
>> On Feb 1, 2021, at 12:46 PM, James Handsfield <jhandsfield at att.net> wrote:
>> Leica has updated the firmware for both the M10-M and M10-R.  Trying it out with the M10-M this morning:  two shots of the same house, same exposure adjustment.
>> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/jhandsfield_att_net/Perspective/ <http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/jhandsfield_att_net/Perspective/>
>> Note, the auto perspective control requires Live View or DVF;  It’s not difficult to make these adjustments in either Lightroom Classic or Photoshop.  I assume the same it true with other photo editors.
>> Opinions?
>> Jim Handsfield

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