[Leica] Monday MIsc.

Don Dory don.dory at gmail.com
Mon Apr 5 03:11:11 PDT 2021

Greetings to all.  This week was taken in a great circle essentially
mimicking a walk to the main library to return some books(unfortunately the
library proper is closed, we build a beautiful 100M dollar building then
keep it closed due to Covid).

We start with a new apartment block going in, this is the fireproof
staircase that goes up first:


My neighbors wanted a metal roof and these photogenic folks installed it:


These workers were taking a lunch break with a microwave hooked up to their
generator.  If you look at the structure it is obvious why it isn't being
rehabbed: 2x6 floor joists and in places 2x4 rafters:


This man was taking a peaceful lunch break at the lake:


I am not sure what the attraction is, but I have seen like boats on three


Last for today, I just liked the myriad tales you could make up about this
coquette looking back, she could go equally in any direction:


All the best.

don.dory at gmail.com
don.dory at gmail.com

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