[Leica] IMG: Tuesday's Butterflies

Alan Magayne-Roshak amagayneroshak at gmail.com
Tue Sep 29 15:48:40 PDT 2020

On Tue, 29 Sep 2020  Jim Nichols <jhnichols at lighttube.net>wrote:
> I wandered out to the Buddleia, not expecting to find anything, and,
looking very closely, realized that the small spot that I saw was actually
a tiny butterfly, smaller than my little finger nail.  Extensive searching
online leads me to believe it is a Red-banded Hairstreak.
> http://www.gallery.leica-users.org/v/OldNick/20200929-P9299431.JPG.html
> While I was pursuing the Hairstreak, a larger butterfly landed for a few
seconds, so I grabbed four shots before it departed. Here is the best one
of a Painted Lady.
> http://www.gallery.leica-users.org/v/OldNick/20200929-P9299429.JPG.html
> Olympus E-1 with ZD 50/2.0 Macro.
> --
> Jim Nichols
I like the second shot.


Alan Magayne-Roshak, Senior Photographer
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Photo Services
UPAA Photographer of the Year 1978
UPAA Master of the Profession 2014
amagayneroshak at gmail.com

"All the technique in the world doesn't compensate
 for an inability to notice. " - Elliott Erwitt

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