[Leica] IMG: From Last Roll of Film Shot in My Leica IIIf

Jim Nichols jhnichols at lighttube.net
Tue Sep 22 12:19:02 PDT 2020

Realizing that post-processing has come a long way in the last few 
years, I imported this commercially processed image from 2008, from the 
last roll shot in my Leica IIIf RD.  I then took it through Lightroom 
and Photoshop as I would a digital image. Looking at the  resulting 
image, it compares favorably with the images I shoot today.

My conclusion is that the "Taking" of a single image hasn't changed a 
lot, but the processing tools are vastly improved.  And, of course, the 
in-camera tools for making complex images continue to evolve.


Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

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