[Leica] Left Handed Cameras Exakta and you get Zeiss lenses

Brian Reid reid at mejac.carlsbad.ca.us
Sun Sep 13 14:11:03 PDT 2020

Hey, look! Mark Kronquist is alive! Yay!

On 2020-09-13 1:21 pm, Mark Kronquist via LUG wrote:
>> On Sep 13, 2020, at 12:44 PM, Frank Filippone via LUG 
>> <lug at leica-users.org> wrote:
>> Some fun stuff...
>> https://www.the-digital-picture.com/Canon-Cameras/Canon-EOS-7D-L-Left-Handed-DSLR-Camera.aspx
>> The Yashica Samurai film camera of the late 1980s is one of the only 
>> ones to have been in regular production but it was very expensive for 
>> what it was and was not a success.
>> See: 
>> https://www.ebay.com/itm/AS-IS-Kyocera-YASHICA-SAMURAI-X3-0-35mm-Half-Frame-AF-Film-Camera-W-Case/392877076581?hash=item5b794c7065:g:tcsAAOSw1V9eQlYo
>> One of the things we are most asked about is a left-handed digital 
>> video camera and there has never been one, until now. The Samsung Q10 
>> (or HMX-Q10 HD) has been designed so it is equally easy to use in 
>> either hand – as Samsung say in their brochure “Even when you're a 
>> lefty, It records just right!
>> See: 
>> https://www.ebay.com/itm/Samsung-Compact-Full-HD-Camcorder-HMX-Q10BN-XAA-Camera-Only/174314822269?hash=item2895f91a7d:g:PMgAAOSwJ65e4n64
>> https://nikonrumors.com/2019/04/01/nikons-first-left-handed-camera.aspx/ 
>> A spoof.
>> There is ( was) a Leica gadget that performed the task.... NQUOO, but 
>> you needed to use your mouth,,,
>> and the 
>> https://www.rangefinderforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=108557 This 
>> is probably the closest to a Left Handed Camera as you will get....
>> Another Leica based camera, but a Leica copy... 
>> https://www.macfilos.com/2016/06/05/2016-6-2-leica-copies-left-handed-camera-anyone/
>> And lastly this dream..... 
>> https://www.popphoto.com/news/2007/09/ambicam-debuts/
>> On 9/13/2020 8:40 AM, Peter Stevens (Redacted sender fritzj3 for 
>> DMARC) wrote:
>>> Good afternoon to everyone. I saw a camera body last night online 
>>> from the 1930s, a Kine Exakta; and not only did it catch my attention 
>>> for its distinctive overall body design, I also noticed that the 
>>> shutter control and shutter button were on the top left-hand side of 
>>> the body. I have never seen such a placement; but I admit to being 
>>> novice in regards these things. Has anyone else ever seen a camera 
>>> body with the shutter controls on the top left-hand side? And 
>>> regarding another design feature of the Exakta - does anyone know if 
>>> the design team commissioned by Leica to come up with the R8 used the 
>>> Exakta Kine as an inspiration - to my eye the R8/R9 sure does take at 
>>> least a respectful design cue from the Kine Exakta.
>>> Peter S.------
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>> --
>> *Frank Filippone*
>> *BMWRed735i at Gmail.com*
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