[Leica] Tuesday Trees

Don Dory don.dory at gmail.com
Tue Oct 27 02:38:48 PDT 2020

Greetings to all.  Another walk around the block with new things to see.
We begin with a tree stump that I thought was visually interesting:


Across the street was a copse of small trees that I originally thought was
a crepe myrtle left untended but not so much:


This one is just contrast of color:


There is a creek that runs through my neighborhood that is really the
dividing line between the black prairie soils and the caliche soils.  There
are some deep pockets that hold water for long periods of drought and this
reflection is in one of those:


Image wise this is just about color, the back story is that the property
owner has received permission from the city arborist to cut down a line of
trees near their property line.  The tags and flags tell the tree removal
company that it is sanctioned as well as the Karens and Todds that there is
no reason for outrage officially.


All the best.

don.dory at gmail.com
don.dory at gmail.com

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