[Leica] Wind sewage and surf

Howard L Ritter Jr hlritter at bex.net
Mon Oct 12 07:25:40 PDT 2020

I’m still cringing at the appearance of “sewage outlet” in the same caption with “kite surfing at” and “close to swimming area"…


> On Oct 12, 2020, at 10:13 AM, Jim Nichols <jhnichols at lighttube.net> wrote:
> That's an impressive shot, Douglas.
> On 10/12/20 8:25 AM, Douglas Barry wrote:
>> I've been up to my eyes fighting a local planning aberration - hence my lacklustre recent photography - but had to take my camera to do something in relation to the appeal.
>> Because of a slight access difficulty, I decided to use one of my Pentax lens collection - the M series 2.8/120 on a Fotodiox adaptor. The lens seemed to work well enough on my various film Pentaxes, but I'm not too sure about it on the Sony. Maybe I'll have to upscale the adaptor quality? Thoughts? I'm also not excited by the Fotodiox on my Leica lenses.
>> This is virtually the same size as it came out of the camera, but tilted .05  to level the horizon and minimally cropped to lose the blank bits. The  image also had auto light levels applied, additional colour saturation boost of 8 and was sharpened to 41 all in PSE, as it certainly didn't look great straight out of the camera.
>> Kite surfing etc. taken at sewage outlet at West Pier, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin close to Seapoint swimming area.
>> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/DouglasBray/CoVid-19/Kite+Surfing+Dublin+Bay+1+10_10_20.jpg.html 
>> Sony A7II and Pentax-M 120/2.8 glass. Shot at either f8 or f11 1/1600s at ISO 320. Detail can be seen at larger size.
>> Douglas
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> -- 
> Jim Nichols
> Tullahoma, TN USA
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