[Leica] IMG: Macro Experiment with Leica-R 60 Elmarit Macro Lens

Jim Nichols jhnichols at lighttube.net
Thu Oct 8 13:14:10 PDT 2020

Thanks for the comments, Don.  I think you will find that 1.4s are very 

On 10/8/20 3:02 PM, Don Dory via LUG wrote:
> I think that the difference is close enough that I would use either
> depending on magnification needed.  The extension tube is higher in
> contrast which helps perception of sharpness.  In all things compromise is
> inherent so choice will be made based on priorities of the moment.  I do
> appreciate the research as I now will be looking for an inexpensive R
> teleconverter although I might try for a 1.4.
> On Thu, Oct 8, 2020 at 1:10 PM Jim Nichols <jhnichols at lighttube.net> wrote:
>> I've been using the Leica-R 60 macro lens for a few days and began
>> wondering which gave the best results, adding the dedicated extension
>> tube or the tube plus the Leica-R 2X Extender.  So, I did a kitchen
>> counter experiment.  Using kitchen lights and a shiny dime, I first
>> combined the dedicated extension tube with the 2X extender and mounted
>> the assembly on an old Star-D tripod.  I adjusted the height so that the
>> image of the dime filled the height of the frame, and took several
>> exposures.  Here is the resulting image:
>> http://www.gallery.leica-users.org/v/OldNick/20201008-DSCF2180.JPG.html
>> I then removed the 2X Extender and mounted the lens and extension tube
>> as it was intended to be used.  I took several images of the dime, which
>> now filled about half the height of the frame, and cropped the resulting
>> image to match the first one:
>> http://www.gallery.leica-users.org/v/OldNick/20201008-DSCF2192.JPG.html
>> It is my opinion that the lens/tube combination is sharper without the
>> 2X Extender, even with enlargement.  I am ignoring differences in
>> lighting with this setup.
>> --
>> Jim Nichols
>> Tullahoma, TN USA
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Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

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