[Leica] IMG: Another Green-Eyed Bee

Jim Nichols jhnichols at lighttube.net
Tue Oct 6 12:34:57 PDT 2020

After venturing out to get my Senior Flu Shot and pick up a few things, 
I needed a few minutes to relax.  A thought occurred to me (yes, one 
does have thoughts after age 90).  Would the 2X extender combine with 
the Leica-R 60 mm Macro lens?  So I put the pieces together, put a fresh 
battery in the Fuji X-T2, and walked outside. (Although the X-T2 allows 
one to enter the focal length of manual lenses, I forgot to do it.  It 
still reports 500mm, not 120mm).

Insect activity has just about disappeared at my house except for a few 
butterflies that pass and wave, but don't touch down. I saw an orange 
one and a yellow one that teased me while I was out.  I finally spotted 
some Carpenter Bees.  It wasn't until I was looking at them on the 
screen that I realized I had another Eastern Carpenter Bee or 
"Green-Eyed Bee".


Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

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