[Leica] looking for an image

Alan Magayne-Roshak amagayneroshak at gmail.com
Mon Nov 16 19:06:21 PST 2020

 On Sun, 15 Nov 2020 Brian Reid <reid at mejac.carlsbad.ca.us>wrote:

>I'm helping produce a photo book, and we are interested in ending the
>pictures section with a stock-like photograph of an empty 35mm film
>spool. The idea is to show that there are no more pictures; a picture of
>a spool with no more film came to mind. By "spool" I don't mean
>something made by Kindermann or Nikor, but by Kodak or Ilford.

>If I had a time machine I would go back to 1975, buy a 20-exposure roll
>of Tri-X, open it and sacrifice the film, and photograph the empty can
>and the empty spool on a simple background.

>I've thrown away literally thousands of these spools and cans over the
>decades, and now I don't have any to photograph. Do you have a
>photograph that you would let me use in this book or a spool you could
>send to be photographed?

>Thanks for looking, as they say.

Brian, if no one comes up with anything, I could take a photo to your
specs.  I've got
a collection of probably 100+ film cassettes, cans and boxes going back to
the early 1950's.
Some of the metal cans have color-coded tops and bottoms, and I have plain
silver ones
and all sorts of plastic ones.


Alan Magayne-Roshak, Senior Photographer
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Photo Services
UPAA Photographer of the Year 1978
UPAA Master of the Profession 2014
amagayneroshak at gmail.com

"All the technique in the world doesn't compensate
 for an inability to notice. " - Elliott Erwitt

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