[Leica] looking for an image

Brian Reid reid at mejac.carlsbad.ca.us
Sun Nov 15 18:10:59 PST 2020

I'm helping produce a photo book, and we are interested in ending the 
pictures section with a stock-like photograph of an empty 35mm film 
spool. The idea is to show that there are no more pictures; a picture of 
a spool with no more film came to mind. By "spool" I don't mean 
something made by Kindermann or Nikor, but by Kodak or Ilford.

If I had a time machine I would go back to 1975, buy a 20-exposure roll 
of Tri-X, open it and sacrifice the film, and photograph the empty can 
and the empty spool on a simple background.

I've thrown away literally thousands of these spools and cans over the 
decades, and now I don't have any to photograph. Do you have a 
photograph that you would let me use in this book or a spool you could 
send to be photographed?

Thanks for looking, as they say.


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