[Leica] IMG: Sky Replacement - First Attempt.

Douglas Barry imra at iol.ie
Tue Nov 3 03:54:24 PST 2020

That looks good, Jim. Great job!
Airships are fascinating. I know that airships like the Hindenburg and 
Graf Zeppelin, crisscrossed the Atlantic, but they had much bigger 
engines. I wonder how they managed to take Wingfoot from Germany across 
the pond to deliver it to Goodyear. I presume they just took the pieces 
over and assembled it in your country?


On 03/11/2020 03:17, Jim Nichols wrote:
> Three years ago, one of the new Goodyear Blimps, which are actually 
> dirigibles, made an overnight stop in Tullahoma, arriving about 
> sundown and well ahead of its support truck and anchor tower.  It 
> hovered over the grass area between the runways, and the crew was kind 
> enough to enable me have several views as I walked around on the rough 
> grass area.  Unfortunately, the sky was free of any clouds to catch 
> the sunset.  With Photoshop 2021, I was able to improve one of the 
> images, at least in my humble estimation, by doing a sky replacement.  
> Since I am not layer-literate like some PS users, I kept it fairly 
> simple.
> http://www.gallery.leica-users.org/v/OldNick/20171013-DSCF5884.JPG.html
> For Douglas, I made it LARGE.

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