[Leica] Planning a LUG video gathering

Jayanand Govindaraj jayanand at gmail.com
Sat Mar 28 18:48:08 PDT 2020

14.00 GMT is perfect for me. I will get Zoom set up - I really have not bothered as yet, as both my sons also live in Chennai -we are all within 200 meters of each other.

Sent from my iPad

> On 29-Mar-2020, at 06:24, Brian Reid <reid at mejac.palo-alto.ca.us> wrote:
> After some research,
> https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingtime.html?iso=20200331&p1=1240&p2=62&p3=78&p4=31&p5=553&p6=102&p7=152
> it seems that the time that includes the largest fraction of regular contributors is 14:00 GMT.
> An alternate time of 02:00 or 03:00 GMT would include the Far East but shut out Europe and be marginal for much of the USA.
> I have called in to international phone meetings more times than I can count (mostly IETF, RIPE, and ICANN), so I know first-hand how hard it is to cope with telecommunications at times I should be sleeping.
> After listening to discussion, I will set up a trial Zoom session or two, and we can see what happens.
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