[Leica] Carrying a camera

Douglas Barry imra at iol.ie
Fri Mar 27 14:12:11 PDT 2020

Should work as it is not restricted. When the pop up appears to block 
it, just click the "Not Now" in the smaller print at the bottom.

On 27/03/2020 19:34, Philippe via LUG wrote:
> What is it? I do not facebook
> Amities
> Philippe
>> Le 27 mars 2020 à 20:11, Douglas Barry <imra at iol.ie> a écrit :
>> I've found that carrying a camera with tripod these days is getting tougher and tougher as my bones age, so found this short but useful video.
>> It's about the right stretches and is done by Frank Cummins (now 73). He happens to be the former captain of the Cork GAA team many moons ago. Maybe some of you might also find it useful.
>> https://www.facebook.com/dylan.naughton.5/videos/2670724423049633/
>> Douglas
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