[Leica] Breaking Free

Aram Langhans leica_r8 at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 26 13:18:31 PDT 2020

Yesterday, after over a week in confinement, I packed a lunch and we headed 
for the local Arboretum to have a picnic. Well, the weather was not so warm, 
so we ate in the car then went for a walk.  Easy to keep social distance as 
there were maybe 3-4 other couples wandering around the whole place.  Even 
the few cars in the parking lot were following social distance practices.  A 
few shots from the arboretum.




Today we decided we finally needed to go shopping for something to eat.  So, 
we got up early to take advantage of the senior only hours at a few stores. 
A grocery store (Winco) opened from 6-7:30 for seniors.  We got there at 
about 7:15 and had the place to ourselves.  Kind of nice.  We were all 
decked out in our hazmat gear.


Paper goods aisle was picked clean.


Then on to Costco.  What a difference.  They opened at 8:00 for seniors and 
the line was literally all around the store.  We did not see that from where 
we parked, and grabbed a cart and headed to what we thought was the end of 
the line.  But it went around that corner, and the next and the next all the 
way to the front of the store again and into the parking lot.  Unbelievable.


Everyone was patient and it only took 15 minutes to get into the store.  Big 
store, so not over crowded, but hard to keep 6 feet away in places.  A month 
ago I would have thought it deserted. Checkout was very efficient and quick, 
as usual for Costco.   I did not know there were that many old geezers here 
in Yakima.  Won't have to do that again for many weeks.  We are fully 
stocked and spent a big chunk of the coronavirus relief check we are slated 
to get, even though we don't need it.  I wish they had an opt out option so 
those who really need it could get it and we could save the government some 
money.   Some people are out of work and taking a real hit, but many of us 
continue to get what we always have.

Comments welcome.


Aram Langhans
(Semi) Retired Science Teacher
& Unemployed photographer

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