[Leica] view from Stayton Castle

Mark Kronquist mak at teleport.com
Sun Mar 22 18:31:04 PDT 2020

I bought a cool house (Stayton Castle-none of the sites are by me) I moved in. The Mayor (Hank) and I were talking and a tumbleweed blew down Third (the main street) A lot of talented people wanted something better so I busted my rear as City Councilor, Planning Commissioner, Parks Vice Char, Parks Board Member and Schoolboard Liaison to get the old laws out of their way. Taking a page from the Italians, and since I can't lay a note besides hot cross buns on the recorder, I have music blasting down third, am reading a novel, drinking glass of Oregon Wine and one lone bike rider came by and waves...if I squint, I can see tumbleweed returning and dreams dying.

> On Mar 22, 2020, at 11:45 AM, Mark Kronquist <mak at teleport.com> wrote:
> Be safe, be well, and Portlandiaites if there is anything you need get it now as, as we have seen in SFO NYC there is a momentary madhouse when lockdown is announced 
> -- 
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