[Leica] Possible Exposure to the Corona Virus

Douglas Barry imra at iol.ie
Sat Mar 21 14:13:44 PDT 2020

Hope you and all your extended family continue to be ok. That's a tough 


On 21/03/2020 13:12, Howard Cummer via LUG wrote:
> Hi Luggers,
> Never a dull moment in our life’s journey. We have sent the following message to everyone we have been in contact with over the past 10 days:
> "My daughter Katie in Victoria received the following email from her dentist’s office yesterday afternoon:
> March 20, 2020
> Dear Patient
> We have now been advised by Community Health that one of our five staff who attended the PDC has
> now tested positive to Covid 19. The name is kept confidential by VIHA.
> Anyone who was at Moss Healthcare from March 10 - 15 needs to self isolate starting immediately, to
> help contain the spread of the virus, according to VIHA. They are to report any symptoms to VIHA.
> Please go to the VIHA website to determine the definition of self isolation.
> VIHA have advised Moss Health care that they are overwhelmed at this time and have asked our help
> to let people know to self isolate.
> The Moss Healthcare Team.
> Our two granddaughters visited the Moss Dental clinic the morning of March 10 with their Mom. We saw them briefly back at their house and
> dropped the girls to school. Then we took the ferry back to Pender. No one in our Victoria family is showing any symptoms and we aren’t either
> and it has been 10 days since the possible exposure. It would be helpful if we could know if the dentist who saw our girls is well but, of course,
> patient confidentiality must be observed, we guess.
> We are self isolating for another four days and hopefully all will be well. If there are any changes in anyone’s health status we will let you all know.
> Howard and Esther."
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